The Split Column By Delimiter window will pop up. Step 4: Select the entire column and go to the “ Home” tab >under “ Transform group”> “Split Column”> select “By Delimiter” This editor page will show a preview of our data. Step 3: Select the table range and press OK, as shown below.Ī new window of “ Power Query Editor” will open immediately. Step 2: Go to the “ Data” tab, and click the “ From Table/Range” button under the “Get & Transform Data” group. Step 1: Select the entire data range (A2:A7)
We will use the delimiter option to split the data. Here, we want to separate the first and last names into two columns. We can split our data by delimiters, positions, numbers of characters, digit-to-non-digits, etc.Ĭonsider the below data of famous personalities. In a power query, a column’s data can be split into numerous columns per the requirement. We can also split cells in Excel using Power Query. Result: Cell A1 is diagonally separated with “Year” representing rows and “Month” representing Columns.Įxample #3 Split Cell in Excel Using Power Query